


市場と競合の透明な理解: DXSstratify®は、市場の全体像と自社製品の位置づけ、競合製品との比較を明確にします。これにより、市場の変動に対する敏感な対応と戦略的な意思決定が可能になります。

リアルタイムデータの活用: この手法は、更新スピードが速く頻繁に確認される医薬品販売データを活用します。これにより、市場動向の変化に迅速に対応し、リアルタイムでの調整が可能となります。

競争優位性の明確化: 自社製品の市場内での競争地位と競合製品に対する競争優位性を分析することで、戦略的な販売プランとマーケティングの方向性を決定します。

ゼロサム市場における戦略立案: 市場が縮小する中で、DXSstratify®は市場シェアの獲得を目指すための戦略を立案するのに役立ちます。

治療手段としての製品特性への対応: 医療用医薬品の特性を理解し、治療ニーズに合わせた戦略を立案することで適切な情報提供が可能です。


DXSstratify®: An Innovative Analytical Method in the Pharmaceutical Market

The pharmaceutical industry is facing intensifying competition due to population decline and market contraction. In such an environment, data-driven strategies are essential for establishing competitive advantage.
DXSstratify® is a new analytical method tailored for competitive markets.
DXSstratify® utilizes pharmaceutical sales data to analyze market size as the basis for assessing the competitive positioning of a company’s products in relation to their competitors. The core of this approach lies in the deep understanding of data and the realization of a rapid decision-making process.
Clear Understanding of Market and Competition: DXSstratify® clarifies the overall market picture, positioning of one’s own products, and comparison with competitors. This enables sensitive responses to market fluctuations and strategic decision-making.
Utilization of Real-Time Data: This method capitalizes on pharmaceutical sales data, known for its rapid update speed and frequent checking. This allows for swift responses to market trends and real-time adjustments.
Clarification of Competitive Advantage: By analyzing the competitive position of one’s products in the market and the competitive advantages over rival products, strategic sales plans and marketing directions can be determined.
Strategy Formulation in a Zero-Sum Market: As the market contracts, DXSstratify® helps in formulating strategies aimed at gaining market share.
Addressing Product Characteristics as Treatment Options: Understanding the characteristics of pharmaceuticals for medical use and developing strategies aligned with treatment needs ensures appropriate information provision.
DXSstratify® is a vital tool for leveraging data to establish competitive advantage in the shrinking and increasingly competitive pharmaceutical market. Utilizing this analytical method, companies can quickly respond to market changes and establish a competitive edge through effective decision-making.


  1. ビッグデータの活用: ビッグデータを利用することで、より多くの情報から精度の高い洞察を得ることができます。これにより、市場動向や顧客ニーズに基づいた戦略的な意思決定が可能になります。
  2. AIによる分析とプランニング: AIを活用することで、膨大なデータからパターンを発見し、将来の動向を予測できます。これは、市場の変化に迅速に対応し、より効果的な戦略を策定する上で大きなメリットを提供します。
  3. CRMによるトラッキング: CRMシステムを通じて、顧客との関係を継続的に追跡し、管理することが可能になります。これは、顧客ニーズに合わせたカスタマイズされたサービスやマーケティング戦略を実行するための基盤を提供します。
  4. デジタル化による連携と一貫性の強化: デジタルツールの統合により、営業プロセス全体が一気貫通し、組織全体での透明性と再現性が向上します。これにより、成功した戦略や手法を他の部門や地域に再現しやすくなります。


The Digital Age Sales Organization: Strengthening the Fractal Structure with Data-Driven Strategies

In modern sales organizations, the adoption of a common theory and process for strategy formulation is essential to strengthen the fractal structure. Particularly, the evolution of IT technology plays a central role in this process. The use of big data, AI, and CRM has become a crucial element in enhancing the satisfaction, objectivity, effectiveness, and reproducibility of sales organizations.

Utilization of Big Data: Employing big data allows for obtaining precise insights from a vast array of information. This enables strategic decision-making based on market trends and customer needs.

Analysis and Planning with AI: Leveraging AI to analyze massive datasets helps in identifying patterns and predicting future trends. This offers significant advantages in formulating more effective strategies and swiftly responding to market changes.

Tracking with CRM: CRM systems facilitate the continuous tracking and management of customer relationships. This provides a foundation for executing customized services and marketing strategies aligned with customer needs.

Enhanced Cohesion and Consistency through Digitalization: The integration of digital tools streamlines the entire sales process, improving transparency and reproducibility across the organization. This makes it easier to replicate successful strategies and practices in different departments and regions.

Such a digitalized approach plays a vital role in building a fractal-type sales organization. Data-driven strategies are indispensable for sales organizations to quickly and effectively meet market needs and establish competitive advantages. Moving forward, this approach is expected to become a key factor in determining business success.




双方向コミュニケーションの強化: 本社と営業現場の間で開かれたコミュニケーションを確立し、現場の声が戦略に反映される体制を作ることが重要です。

権限の委譲: 本社は営業現場に一定の意思決定権を委譲し、現場の状況に応じた柔軟な対応を可能にするべきです。

教育とトレーニング: 営業スタッフに市場分析や戦略的思考のトレーニングを提供し、彼らがより質の高い戦略を立案できるように支援します。

共有の目標と評価基準: 本社と営業現場が共通の目標に向かって努力し、その成果を公平に評価する体系を確立することが必要です。



Field-Led Strategic Planning: Its Importance and Implementation Barriers
The synchronization of strategy and tactics is essential for business success. This is particularly true in the context of field sales, where direct interaction with customers and markets makes the role of strategic planning crucial. By developing strategies that reflect actual market trends, a business can swiftly adapt to market changes, securing a competitive advantage.
However, the reality presents several barriers to field-led strategic planning. The most significant of these is the hierarchical structure within organizations, coupled with a communication gap between the head office and field sales. If the tactical plans formulated by the head office do not fully reflect market realities and customer needs, effective strategic planning at the field level is hindered.
To address these challenges, the following initiatives are necessary:

  1. Enhanced Two-Way Communication: Establishing open lines of communication between the head office and field sales is vital, ensuring that insights from the field are incorporated into strategic planning.
  2. Delegation of Authority: The head office should delegate a degree of decision-making power to field sales, enabling flexible responses to on-the-ground situations.
  3. Education and Training: Providing sales staff with training in market analysis and strategic thinking supports the development of higher-quality strategies.
  4. Shared Goals and Evaluation Criteria: Establishing a system where both the head office and field sales work towards common objectives and their outcomes are evaluated fairly is essential.
    Additionally, transforming the head office and field sales into a fractal organization necessitates a common framework for strategic planning theory and process. This ensures consistency in strategic direction across different levels and departments, fostering organizational synergy.
    In conclusion, field-led strategic planning is vital for business success, but its realization demands a transformation in organizational culture and leadership. Leveraging the direct experience and insights of field sales to maximize overall organizational outcomes requires overcoming hierarchical barriers and fostering cooperation and harmony across the organization.












“Life is about differentiation.”

Why is differentiation necessary for products/services? It’s because customers differentiate themselves by purchasing those products/services.

Companies implementing DX solutions seek to differentiate themselves from competitors in the competitive market, gaining an advantage.

Differentiation is an evolutionary adaptation and is considered part of the evolutionary mechanism that supports decision-making related to survival and reproduction.

For example, even in partner selection, comparisons are made.

Why were you rejected despite confessing your feelings with sincerity?

It’s because you lack attractiveness, but also because you appear less attractive when compared to other choices around the person you confessed to.

The fundamental reason is that being with you does not provide differentiation that elevates the other person.

To have them turn their attention back to you, you must become a presence that elevates their position or social status.

What can you do to be more attractive to customers when compared to something else?

Always remember the presence of competition.

It’s important to create differences that set you apart, not in terms of superiority or inferiority, but in terms of uniqueness.








“The Close yet Distant Concepts of Possibility and Probability”

“For analysts like me, understanding the difference between probability and possibility is crucial.

This is because there’s a need to translate the possibility expressed by clients through experiential rules or intuition into probability through analysis.

Probability quantifies the likelihood of an event occurring. It’s represented numerically between 0 and 1, where 0 means an event will definitely not happen, and 1 means it definitely will.

On the other hand, possibility is a qualitative assessment of whether an event could occur, without being represented by a specific number. It’s a broader concept that refers to whether an event can theoretically happen.

In simple terms, probability deals with the question, ‘What is the likelihood?’ measured numerically, while possibility addresses the more general idea of ‘Can it happen?’

In statistical analysis, we use probability to estimate the frequency and patterns of events from observed data.

This numerical approach provides valuable information for prediction and decision-making.

DXS stratify®はマーケットシェア理論をベースに構築されており、一般に戦略的マーケティングの分析ツールとして分類されます。










“DXS Stratify®: Innovating pharmaceutical sales strategies using market share theory”

DXS stratify® is built on market share theory and is generally classified as a strategic marketing analysis tool.

This theory analyzes the competitive situation in a specific market and quantifies the competition for market share in bilateral and multi-player competition, which is useful for formulating strategies to gain a competitive advantage.

Although it does not directly fall into the category of statistical analysis methods, this theory is included in the framework of quantitative analysis because it uses mathematical models to analyze market dynamics.

Since it can be used to quantitatively understand market trends and evaluate relative strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors, game theory is used to mathematically model competitors’ behavior and perform analysis to derive optimal strategies. It can also be considered as part of

It is especially suitable when resources are limited or simpler analysis is required, as it allows you to gain insights based solely on pharmaceutical sales databases without using big data.

In pharmaceutical sales, information about a doctor’s treatment policy and prescribing trends is very important, and more specific information than hobbies or preferences is more useful, such as:

Patterns of drug use: Understand physicians’ treatment selection criteria and preferences by analyzing which drugs are prescribed in what situations and conditions

Usage analysis: Analyzing trends in the usage of specific drugs to infer doctors’ treatment strategies for specific disease states and patient groups.

Prescription changes: Track prescription changes over time to understand the impact of new treatment guidelines and clinical research and plan your sales strategy accordingly.

These analyzes allow us to provide information tailored to physicians’ needs and create more effective communication strategies.









DXS stratify®はマーケットシェア理論とプロバビリティにより企業の競争環境を定量化および可視化する営業改革を推進するためのクラウドデジタルソリューションです。

“DXS Stratify®: Integrating Market Share and Probability in Corporate Strategy”

Market share theory analyzes an enterprise’s market share in terms of sales, customer numbers, and product quantity. This theory serves as an indicator of competitiveness, useful for understanding market trends and comparing with competitors. Companies with a high market share often have greater market influence and are typically better positioned to maximize profits.

Probability, on the other hand, represents the numerical likelihood of a specific event occurring. It’s used to indicate levels of uncertainty and is applied in decision-making, risk assessment, and statistical analysis.

Market share is directly related to a company’s competitiveness, and this, in turn, is linked to probability. When companies aim to expand or maintain their market share, they often engage in probability analysis of competitors and market trends. This helps predict uncertainties in competition and market fluctuations, aiding in assessing the likelihood of success for certain actions and strategies.

Therefore, market share theory and probability are closely interconnected in developing competitive strategies, evaluating risks, and making informed decisions.

DXS Stratify® is a cloud-based digital solution that promotes sales transformation by quantifying and visualizing the competitive environment of businesses through the integration of market share theory and probability.






The Fusion of ‘Memory’ and ‘Record’ in Sales

In modern sales strategies, the effective combination of ‘memory’ and ‘record’ has become the key to success. This fusion enables the simultaneous development of deep customer relationships and data-driven strategies, significantly enhancing sales outcomes.

In sales, it’s crucial to remember details of past dialogues and negotiations with customers. This allows for the building of personal and meaningful relationships. For instance, by remembering customers’ preferences and needs, sales professionals can make more customized proposals, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

Concurrently, a data-driven approach is indispensable. Recording and analyzing customers’ purchase histories and responses enables the development of more effective sales strategies. Using tools like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, this information can be efficiently managed and optimized for sales activities.

Providing experiences that stay in customers’ memories, while simultaneously using recorded data for personalized approaches, enhances customer loyalty and fosters long-term relationships. Analyzing sales records to understand which approaches are memorable to customers also allows for continuous improvement.

In sales departments, combining personalized experiences that resonate with customers and strategic approaches based on data analysis maximizes sales results and improves customer satisfaction. Such a combination promotes the building of long-term relationships with customers and the growth of the business.




“Shohei Ohtani – The World’s No.1 Baseball Player in Records and Memories”

Baseball is often discussed in numbers: batting averages, home runs, strikeouts. These statistics serve as benchmarks for assessing a player’s value. However, when it comes to Shohei Ohtani, his worth transcends mere numbers. As the world’s No.1 baseball player, his impact goes beyond records and is deeply etched in our memories.

Ohtani’s dual-role style of play, as both a pitcher and a batter, has shattered many negative perceptions and broken the traditional mold of baseball. Possessing exceptional skills in both roles, he has redefined the possibilities of baseball. His records are not just numbers; they symbolize a new era in baseball.

Shohei Ohtani is not just a player who has achieved great stats; he is a revolutionary who has written a new chapter in the sport of baseball. His accomplishments are celebrated not just in terms of records but are also deeply ingrained in the memories of many, serving as an inspiration for the future. He will forever be remembered as the world’s No.1 baseball player, not just in records but also in our collective memory. 

「営業担当者における量と質のバランス: 成功の鍵」


1.  リーチの拡大: 多くの顧客にアプローチすることで、潜在的なリードの数が増え、ビジネスの機会が広がります。

2.   市場カバレッジ: 広範な顧客基盤にアクセスすることで、異なる市場セグメントやニーズに対応することが可能になります。

3.   データの蓄積: 多くの顧客とのやり取りは、市場動向や顧客行動のデータを収集する機会を提供します。


1.   深い関係構築: 顧客一人ひとりに時間をかけ、信頼関係を築くことで、より強固なビジネス関係が生まれます。

2.   ニーズの理解と解決: 顧客のニーズを深く理解し、それに対応するソリューションを提供することで、顧客満足度を高めることができます。

3.  長期的なロイヤリティの獲得: 高品質なサービスとサポートは、顧客ロイヤリティの向上と長期的な関係の構築につながります。


•  ターゲットの精選: 量と質のバランスを取るためには、最も有望なリードやターゲット市場に焦点を当てることが重要です。

•  効率的な時間管理: 限られた時間とリソースを最大限に活用し、質の高い関係構築に時間を割きつつ、新規リードへのアプローチも怠らない。

•  技術の活用: CRMシステムやデータ分析ツールを活用して、顧客のニーズを迅速に把握し、適切なアプローチを計画する。


“Balancing Quantity and Quality in Sales: The Key to Success”

The Importance of Quantity

1.             Expanding Reach: Approaching a large number of customers increases potential leads and broadens business opportunities.

2.             Market Coverage: Access to a wide customer base allows for addressing different market segments and needs.

3.             Data Accumulation: Interactions with numerous customers provide opportunities to collect data on market trends and customer behaviors.

The Importance of Quality

1.             Building Deep Relationships: Spending time with each customer to build trust leads to more robust business relationships.

2.             Understanding and Solving Needs: Deeply understanding customer needs and providing corresponding solutions enhances customer satisfaction.

3.             Gaining Long-term Loyalty: High-quality service and support lead to improved customer loyalty and the establishment of long-term relationships.

Balancing the Two

•               Targeting Selectively: Balancing quantity and quality involves focusing on the most promising leads and target markets.

•               Efficient Time Management: Maximizing limited time and resources, dedicating time to high-quality relationship building while also pursuing new leads.

•               Leveraging Technology: Using CRM systems and data analysis tools to quickly understand customer needs and plan appropriate approaches.

In conclusion, sales representatives who pay attention to both the quantity and quality of customer interactions can develop more effective sales strategies and contribute to business success. Expanding opportunities through quantity and building deep relationships through quality pave the way for sustainable growth.