






“The Close yet Distant Concepts of Possibility and Probability”

“For analysts like me, understanding the difference between probability and possibility is crucial.

This is because there’s a need to translate the possibility expressed by clients through experiential rules or intuition into probability through analysis.

Probability quantifies the likelihood of an event occurring. It’s represented numerically between 0 and 1, where 0 means an event will definitely not happen, and 1 means it definitely will.

On the other hand, possibility is a qualitative assessment of whether an event could occur, without being represented by a specific number. It’s a broader concept that refers to whether an event can theoretically happen.

In simple terms, probability deals with the question, ‘What is the likelihood?’ measured numerically, while possibility addresses the more general idea of ‘Can it happen?’

In statistical analysis, we use probability to estimate the frequency and patterns of events from observed data.

This numerical approach provides valuable information for prediction and decision-making.