












“A Niche Strategy of Opposition Parties Seen in Political Party Approval Ratings”

The results of the unified local elections have been announced, and I would like to discuss market share theory using political party approval ratings as a topic.

I have created a Pareto chart of the support rates for 10 political parties and the total for those who support no party.

As you can see at a glance, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)has formed a monopolistic competition market.

In market share theory, except for the LDP, all other parties are weak players outside the range of influence and have already resigned to a share value that cannot catch up with the LDP.

What I want to note is the total of the LDP and those who support no party.

This is 73.4%, which is perfectly in line with the upper target value in the koopman’s model.

This is the most stable market value in share theory, and it can be said that the game is already won.

From these facts, the possibility of opposition parties becoming the ruling party is almost zero, and except for Ishin, Rikken, and Komeito, other parties are in a position where their existence is ignored as they fall below their target values.

However, even if the possibility of becoming the ruling party is zero, it does not mean that there is no reason for existence.

At least it has enough core supporters to survive as a political party.

In other words, it does not matter whether or not a party becomes the ruling party in order to survive as a political party and continue to serve as a member of parliament.

It can be said to be a niche strategy based on market segmentation in market share theory.

*This post uses political party approval ratings to explain market share theory and does not support any specific political party.