
DMAICは、Six Sigmaの手法の1つであり、品質管理やプロセス改善に適しています。








“How to use business process improvement methods in different contexts”

DMAIC, PDCA, and OODA are all methods for business process improvement, and each is suitable for different contexts.

DMAIC is one of the Six Sigma methods and is suitable for quality management and process improvement. It is suitable for projects aimed at improving quality or processes.

PDCA is suitable for developing management strategies and improving business processes. It is a method that can be applied to the entire organization and is suitable for businesses that require continuous improvement.

OODA is suitable for strategy development and analyzing competitive environments. It is effective in businesses where the environment is complex and uncertainty is high, and where quick decision-making and adaptability are required.

In data-driven marketing, DMAIC is used, while in the VUCA era, OODA is more suitable for strategic planning. It is important to choose the appropriate method as DMAIC, PDCA, and OODA are effective in different business contexts.

PDCA is synonymous with business process improvement, but it may be a bit outdated in promoting surefire execution in shrinking markets.