
地理的ターゲティング(Geographic Targeting)
デモグラフィックターゲティング(Demographic Targeting)
行動ターゲティング(Behavioral Targeting)
心理グラフィックスターゲティング(Psychographic Targeting)
利用履歴ターゲティング(Usage-based Targeting)
社会的ターゲティング(Social Targeting)







“The Pitfalls of Customer Targeting”

When it comes to customer targeting, there are various methods such as geographic targeting, demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, psychographic targeting, usage-based targeting, and social targeting.

However, in practical terms, there are two major approaches:

One is to target customers with a high probability of conversion, often implemented through marketing automation.

The other is to target customers who can provide competitive advantage from a 3C perspective (Customer, Company, Competitor).

This is used in 1on1 marketing where the target customer is clear in advance.

A common trap in customer targeting is prioritizing customers solely based on market size or the company’s own sales figures.

This approach leads to a mixture of customer types and different competitive scenarios, rendering business plans ineffective and causing resource allocation to increase without proportionate returns.