







“Believe It or Not, You Can Become the Next GAFA”

I’ve created a Twitter clone using a no-code platform, and it functions just like the real deal. The amazing part? I’m not an engineer, and I come from a non-technical background.

The memory of Elon Musk purchasing Twitter (now X) for around 6.4 trillion yen is still fresh in our minds. Whether it’s Chat-GPT or the recent advancements in digital technology, we’re constantly amazed by the progress we’ve made.

At the time, Mark Zuckerberg, a 19-year-old college student, rented a server and opened Facebook at his own expense.

While Twitter might not be as profitable as the GAFA giants in the realm of text-based social networking platforms, it holds a value of approximately 6.4 trillion yen.

Even in the world of SNS apps where there’s a sense of déjà vu, if you can add some new, unique value to existing products, you might just become the next GAFA, even as an individual.