
製薬業界 止まらぬ早期退職、中堅にも広がる動き | AnswersNews (ten-navi.com)














同じく中堅と言われる持田製薬のMR数は660名、 日本新薬650 名、大正製薬630名と、対象領域は異なりますがおよそ同規模となっており、これ以上の削減は競争優位性を失うことになります。


“Analyzing Kyorin Pharmaceutical’s Choice to Maintain Sales Force”

Kyorin Pharmaceutical recently announced a voluntary retirement program targeting employees aged 50 and above, as well as managerial staff aged 55 and above. This move sets them apart from other companies in the industry, which have been primarily focusing on reducing their workforce, especially within their sales departments. This reevaluation of their organizational structure piques our interest.

Let’s consider this decision from the perspective of maintaining their sales force.

In military strategy, if a unit suffers around 30% casualties, it becomes operationally ineffective and can no longer be counted as a viable fighting force. When casualties reach 50%, it’s considered “annihilation,” and the command structure of the affected unit collapses. Annihilated units are disbanded, and surviving personnel are incorporated as reinforcements into other units. A 100% casualty rate is referred to as “extermination,” signifying the complete obliteration of the unit.

In the past, Japanese soldiers tragically often continued to resist even after their units were annihilated (50% casualties), culminating in the concept of “gyokusai” (do-or-die last stand). In contrast, in Western military tradition, soldiers generally surrender once their units are annihilated.

The extent to which a company can reduce its sales force depends on the relative strength of their competitors. Kyorin Pharmaceutical has a staff of 700 MRs, covering a total of 78,000 people, including 28,000 doctors in three special fields, so it is estimated that there will be approximately 110 Drs/1 MR, or approximately 5.6 visits/day.

Kyorin Pharmaceutical, along with Santen Pharmaceutical, is one of the 12 medium-sized pharmaceutical companies in Japan.

Mochida Pharmaceutical, which is also said to be a mid-sized company, has 660 MRs, Nippon Shinyaku 650, and Taisho Pharmaceutical 630, which are roughly the same size although the target areas are different, and further reductions would mean losing competitive advantage. Analyzing sales force strength allows for the quantification of the necessary capabilities for competitive advantage and facilitates the establishment of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).