


  1. 選択肢が多すぎることで却って選べなくなる
  2. 決められた選択肢の方が良いと感じる場合がある
  3. 選択が後々の後悔や罪悪感につながることがある




 言語情報:7%
 視覚情報:55%
 聴覚情報:38%



  1. 直接的なコンタクト
  2. 双方向のコミュニケーション
  3. 要望や不満を把握
  4. 関連部署へのフィードバック

“Maximizing Information Delivery to Customers through Human Sales”

Why is it that digital information delivery alone often fails to achieve the expected impact?

Digital channels allow us to disseminate vast amounts of information, but the abundance of information can paradoxically lead to choice overload, where individuals opt for not making a choice due to the overwhelming volume of options.

The Paradox of Choice:

  1. Having too many choices can make it difficult to decide.
  2. Sometimes, predefined choices may seem better.
  3. Choices can lead to regrets and guilt down the line.

Furthermore, communication alternatives such as email and chat have the advantage of conveying information without omissions or exaggerations compared to face-to-face communication. However, it is suggested that the vocabulary used in email and chat represents only one-fifth of the vocabulary that Japanese individuals use in their daily conversations.

Online language tools are limited to conveying only about 1.4% of the information transmitted through face-to-face communication.

Human sales enable tailored information delivery to customers, optimizing their experience.

Understanding the importance of non-verbal communication through “Mehrabian’s Law”:
 Verbal Information: 7%
 Visual Information: 55%
 Auditory Information: 38%

Peter Drucker once said that the ideal of marketing is to render sales unnecessary. However, it seems that marketing alone cannot eliminate the need for sales.

Medical representatives (MRs) represent the most costly but effective means of driving customer purchases:

  1. Direct contact
  2. Two-way communication
  3. Capturing requests and complaints
  4. Providing feedback to relevant departments