① 顧客のターゲティングが不正確では、無駄にリソースを消耗し、真のターゲット顧客とのエンゲージメントを構築することが出来ません。

② 競争市場には必ず競合が存在するために、リソース量で競合を上回る必要があります。

③ 顧客ニーズが多様化しているために、個別最適化されたメッセージが必要です。




“Four Rs of Marketing and DXsStratify”

Inaccurate customer targeting results in wastage of resources and an inability to establish engagement with the actual target customers.

In competitive markets, the presence of competitors necessitates surpassing them in terms of resource allocation.

Due to the diversification of customer needs, individually tailored messages are imperative.

DXsStratify can visualize and quantify these three Rs.

SFA/CRM is a supporting solution that streamlines the phases after lead nurturing and selection.

Therefore, by increasing the accuracy of lead development and selection, it is possible to improve the accuracy of SFA/CRM.