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The 2023 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to Dr. Goldin, a researcher focused on gender disparities. Within the pharmaceutical industry, while the total number of medical representatives (MRs) is decreasing, the number of female MRs continues to rise, constituting approximately 15% of the workforce. However, in the context of promoting the appointment of female managers, this 15% is far from being a sufficient proportion.

One significant obstacle to women’s participation in the workforce is the issue of childcare. Just recently, Saitama Prefecture introduced a child neglect prevention ordinance, which prohibits parents from leaving children under the age of 3 unattended at home, sparking discussions in the prefectural assembly.

In the past, when agriculture was the mainstay of Japan, women balanced farming with childcare, household chores, and community activities, contributing unpaid labor that was essential to daily life. With modernization came the abolition of discriminatory laws and regulations, the introduction of parental leave, increased awareness of gender discrimination, improved childcare facilities, formalized parental leave policies, wage equality incentives, and supportive policies. All these factors have contributed to an increased participation of women in the labor market.

The majority of paid work (paid work) often requires commuting to offices. Female MRs involved in childcare may experience reduced productivity due to part-time work and a lower number of leave days compared to their male counterparts. To maintain productivity within the constraints of limited time, “choice and focus” are essential, particularly in defining tasks that they won’t undertake.

In the past, we conducted a pilot operation using matrix analysis with a sales group primarily composed of female MRs. While it was only a three-month trial, the number of visits to essential clients increased, while unnecessary visits decreased, resulting in shorter commuting times, which received positive feedback. Moreover, there was a noticeable shift in sales trends.

Utilizing matrix analysis has the potential to be a solution for women’s workstyle reform and addressing the declining birthrate, by allowing for more efficient use of time and resources.