






“Matrix Analysis and Patents: Novelty and Progressiveness”

Matrix analysis has obtained patents, specifically Patent No. 7101426 and Patent No. 7214278, for its applications as a market analysis system, market analysis program, and market analysis method. The Patent Office has recognized the novelty and progressiveness of these patents, providing protection for the associated technologies and ideas.

However, occasionally, there are claims that matrix analysis lacks novelty or that similar solutions already exist. In such cases, it is essential to determine whether these claims are based on similarities that don’t compromise the fundamental differences in the technology. Sometimes, even if the concept or idea exists, there may not be products or services that implement it. It’s only when two solutions are entirely identical that patent infringement comes into play.

Obtaining a patent involves a rigorous process that includes investigating whether similar technologies or ideas already hold patents and conducting prior art searches. Only when it’s confirmed that no existing patents cover the same ground can the novelty and progressiveness of the innovation be assessed for patent approval.

There is a common misconception about patents, often associated with the idea that they are for groundbreaking innovations that revolutionize markets overnight. However, in reality, patents frequently pertain to technologies or ideas that fill gaps in existing patent landscapes. As a result, securing a patent can be a challenging endeavor.

In fact, the two patents we acquired also initially faced rejection notifications and required amendments before undergoing patent examinations. It’s the process of creating something that appears as “something that wasn’t there before” that ultimately adds value to the technology and ideas.

Consider, for instance, Sony’s Walkman, which took the existing cassette deck concept and removed speakers while introducing the innovative concept of listening through headphones. This created a new value proposition and allowed people to enjoy music outdoors. Similarly, the iPhone merged personal computing and mobile telephony, delivering intuitive usability and added value, driving innovation.

By exploring the potential of combining existing elements, you might find an opportunity to obtain a patent. Why not consider patenting something new by merging existing concepts and technologies?