
  • 顧客からの認知度が低いから?
  • 競合他社との差別化が足りないから?
  • 顧客にとっての優先度が低いから?
  • 顧客ニーズを完全に理解していないから?
  • 付加価値が足りないから?



  • 顧客は自分の無意識にあるニーズや欲求を認識していない
  • 顧客は既存の選択肢や経験に基づかないニーズを想像することができない
  • 顧客は自身の知識が限られているものに対するニーズを理解できない
  • 顧客は将来的に必要とするであろう製品やサービスを理解することができない
  • 顧客は情報が過剰だとニーズを見逃し、逆に情報が不足していても同様に見逃す


#Customer Needs 

Title: Unraveling Customer Needs: A Complex Conundrum

“Needs are ambiguous and vague nuisances.”

Even when you believe you’re providing the products or services your customers are seeking, if your sales impact remains stagnant, what could be the underlying factors?

Is it because of low customer awareness?

Is there insufficient differentiation from competitors?

Could it be that the priority of customers is low?

Perhaps, an incomplete understanding of customer needs?

Or is the lack of added value the issue?

Increasing the amount of information about your products or services and helping customers comprehend their value doesn’t necessarily guarantee success.

Customers themselves are often said to be unaware of what they truly desire.

Customers aren’t conscious of their unconscious needs or desires.

They struggle to envision needs beyond existing choices or experiences.

Their knowledge limitations hinder them from grasping needs for specialized products.

Predicting future needs isn’t a forte.

They might overlook needs due to information overload and miss them even with insufficient information. As customers aren’t inherently aware of what they truly want, uncovering latent needs and enhancing clarity might lead to the exploration of a much larger market beyond the obvious ones.