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As the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the food service industry, Doutor, a coffee shop that originated from a coffee bean roasting and wholesale company, saw a dramatic decrease in customers, particularly in bustling downtown areas and near train stations. However, recent observations suggest a revival in customer foot traffic in these areas.

Doutor, targeting coffee enthusiasts on their way to work, experienced a decline in patronage due to the rise of remote work, contrasting starkly with Starbucks, which did not see such a significant slowdown during the pandemic.

In 2016, Doutor had over 100 moer stores than Starbucks, but this gap has now widened to reversed 600 stores. Since its entry into Japan, Starbucks has been promoting the concept of the “Third Place” – a comfortable space that is neither home nor work. Starbucks provides more than just coffee; it offers a place.

By offering more than coffee, Starbucks successfully attracts various customer segments that traditional coffee shops might not. These include people who read, listen to music, meet friends, study, and especially those working on laptops with a distinctive apple logo. Essentially, Starbucks’s potential customers are not just traditional café-goers but also include patrons of family restaurants, convenience stores, co-working spaces, parks, and libraries.

When considering competition, it’s crucial to understand that competitors are not only those in the same product category but also any business targeting similar customer segments. This perspective reveals that there are virtually no markets without competition.

Without recognizing the existence of competitors, a business may never understand the reasons behind its failures. Therefore, always keeping in mind the ‘3Cs’ – customers, company, and competitors – is essential in the business world.