
DMAICは、Six Sigmaの手法の1つであり、品質管理やプロセス改善に適しています。








“How to use business process improvement methods in different contexts”

DMAIC, PDCA, and OODA are all methods for business process improvement, and each is suitable for different contexts.

DMAIC is one of the Six Sigma methods and is suitable for quality management and process improvement. It is suitable for projects aimed at improving quality or processes.

PDCA is suitable for developing management strategies and improving business processes. It is a method that can be applied to the entire organization and is suitable for businesses that require continuous improvement.

OODA is suitable for strategy development and analyzing competitive environments. It is effective in businesses where the environment is complex and uncertainty is high, and where quick decision-making and adaptability are required.

In data-driven marketing, DMAIC is used, while in the VUCA era, OODA is more suitable for strategic planning. It is important to choose the appropriate method as DMAIC, PDCA, and OODA are effective in different business contexts.

PDCA is synonymous with business process improvement, but it may be a bit outdated in promoting surefire execution in shrinking markets.












“Why I think visualization of progress by DX is not cost-effective”

Setting goals and carrying out activities without evaluation can be detrimental, so verification is necessary.

However, there are pitfalls in tracking and evaluating only activities.

This is because the means themselves may become the ends.

If KPIs that quantify the action plan aren’t performing as intended, it’s not just the implementer in trouble.

Sometimes the KPIs themselves are inadequate.

To ensure the validity of KPIs, it is necessary to verify whether KRIs (KSFs) are being achieved and are associated with KGI, targeting the groups that are being executed according to the goals.

Focusing solely on KPIs can unnecessarily burden sales reps.

If KRI is inappropriate, the head office department should be held responsible. Also, if the KGI is inadequate, the management team should be held accountable.

High-level concepts responsible for achieving objectives, such as KGI as objectives, KRI as guidelines for achieving objectives, and KPI as specific means to achieve them, will assume greater responsibility.

Matrix analysis facilitates tracking by quantifying and visualizing her KRIs as a strategic tool, complementing the continuity between KPIs and KGIs.





“Perceive the situation from a position closer to the customer and repeat the pivot at high speed”

In the business world, strategies have traditionally been developed by the head office, where various factors are analyzed and future predictions are made. However, in today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment, where future predictions are difficult due to high levels of uncertainty, it is more important to be able to detect and respond quickly to the changing market environment.

The matrix analysis method is a way to analyze customer segments, which are the smallest unit of the market, and quickly adapt or change strategies based on the findings.








  • 従来の固定的な労働時間や場所にとらわれない柔軟な働き方を導入
  • 業務の自動化や情報共有の効率化
  • 従来の上下関係に基づくマネジメントからフラットな組織への転換
  • 柔軟な労働契約の導入や労働時間の規制緩和
  • 必要なスキルや知識を持った人材を育成するために、教育・研修

“The factors for achieving a more productive and flexible work style reform“

Work style reform, business efficiency improvement, and productivity improvement are interrelated and have a mutually influential relationship.

Work style reform can improve productivity by improving the work environment and work-life balance, which can lead to improved employee health and motivation.

Efficiency can be improved by reviewing and automating business processes, allowing more tasks to be completed in the same amount of time, which can lead to increased productivity.

Highly productive companies can create more value using the same resources, giving them a competitive advantage in the market.

Combining work style reform, business efficiency improvement, and productivity improvement can lead to sustainable growth for companies.

The strategic plan using the matrix analysis method can build a fractal organization with a common language and logic, allowing for a flat and flexible organization without requiring advanced skills or knowledge.

Important factors for achieving work style reform include:

  • Introducing flexible work styles that are not bound by traditional fixed working hours or locations
  • Automating tasks and streamlining information sharing
  • Moving away from traditional management based on hierarchy to a flat organization
  • Introducing flexible labor contracts and relaxing regulations on working hours
  • Improving education and training to cultivate personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge.



STP(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)は、市場を細分化し、ターゲットを選択し、自社の位置づけを確立するための戦略的フレームワークです。







“Selection and focus begin with defining STP.”

“Selection and focus” are familiar terms in the business world, but do you understand the methodology for making decisions and determining the allocation of resources based on what criteria?

STP is a business framework that enables “selection and focus.”

STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) is a strategic framework for segmenting the market, selecting a target, and establishing a company’s positioning.

First, the market is segmented into groups with similar attributes or needs.

Next, focus is placed on the most effective attribute customers within the segmented groups.

In the pharmaceutical industry, since a prescription is required for the use of products, the primary target customers are physicians who can prescribe the company’s products.

Then, it is necessary to establish a unique positioning that provides added value that differentiates from competitors.

However, since the pharmaceutical industry has various legal regulations, differentiation can be difficult, making it challenging to establish a unique positioning.

Therefore, it is essential to clearly define the positioning that allows the company’s products to gain a competitive advantage over competitor products in a competitive market.

By analyzing from the perspectives of the market/customers, competition, and the company’s 3C, the matrix analysis method quantifies and visualizes the prescription opportunities for the company’s products and the high-value customers that offer competitive advantages, enabling flexible and agile “selection and focus” even in rapidly changing market environments.







#マトリクス分析法 #暗黙知 #形式知 #エンゲージメント #製薬 #医薬品

“Transforming customers’ implicit knowledge in their product selection into formal knowledge can enhance engagement with customers.”

Customers sometimes make choices unconsciously based on emotions or intuition when selecting products.

Additionally, in the case of pharmaceutical products, social and environmental influences may also affect their choices, making it rare for customers to consciously recognize the reasons why they selected a particular product.

Sales representatives need to transform the subjective “implicit knowledge” of the customer’s personal experience and intuition into objective “formal knowledge” that can be expressed in language and data.

It is important for sales representatives to understand why customers chose a particular product and use that information to make proposals that fit their needs and preferences.

However, the methods and approaches for collecting information can differ depending on whether the customer made a conscious or unconscious choice.

By using the matrix analysis method that I developed and patented, high-precision hypotheses can be made, and customer attributes can be classified to increase the accuracy of hypothesis testing and obtain results that are accurate, reliable, and consistent.










  • 市場環境の全体像を把握することができる
  • 市場環境での自社の競争優位性を把握することができる
  • 適正な顧客優先度とリソース配分を決定することができる
  • 競合からのリスクを見つけることができる

“In order not to drop the sales productivity immediately after the change in charge”

Spring is the season for personnel changes.

If you have experienced a transfer, have you ever had a hard time with handover work?

Selling skills and product appeal are important in sales, but customer engagement is even more important.

Customer engagement is the trust and long-term rapport you build with your customers.

Therefore, it cannot be built overnight.

If you do not recover in the shortest possible time, you will give your competitors a chance to attack.

Another problem is that it is difficult to see the content of the work of the predecessor in personalized sales activities .

In order to improve business efficiency without lowering productivity, let’s visualize the market by customers, competitors, and your company’s 3Cs.

By visualizing the market using the matrix analysis method, it is possible to improve operational efficiency without sacrificing productivity.

① It is possible to grasp the overall picture of the market environment

② You can understand your company’s competitive advantage in the market environment.

③ You can determine appropriate customer priorities and resource allocation. ④ You can find risks from competition.




#マトリクス分析法 #戦略 

“Matrix analysis visualizes strategy and execution and improves business resolution”

The matrix analysis method is a uniquely reconstructed market analysis system, market analysis program, and market analysis method based on the mathematical model advocated by Frederick Lanchester, an engineer at the British Aviation College during World War I.

(Patent No. 7101426 and Patent No. 7214728)

By quantifying and visualizing the competitive environment from the 3C perspective using Sales data and formulas, we can derive four basic strategies, optimize resource allocation, and indicate the direction of activity plans according to customer types.










“Methods to capture the activities of competitors that cannot be seen due to the corona crisis”

Due to the impact of the three-year-long corona crisis, online interviews and appointment interviews have become the mainstream for information provision activities by sales representatives.

This makes it difficult to know how your competitors’ sales representatives are doing.

In a competitive market, your company’s strategic plan needs to change relative to the influence of competitors, so if you can’t grasp the activities of competitors’ sales representatives, you can’t do correct strategic planning.

Furthermore, there are many sales representatives who feel nervous about the decrease in the amount of activity compared to the past, such as fewer opportunities to meet.

There are ways to capture invisible competitor activity.

It is possible to measure the competitive advantage in the competitive market by tracking the 3Cs of the market/customers, competitors, and the company itself.

Even if your company’s activity level is declining, if there is no change in the competitive environment, it is likely that your competitors will be doing the same.

In other words, even if the amount of activity has decreased, it can be judged to be an appropriate amount of activity during the corona crisis.

Matrix analysis allows us to track the competitive landscape by quantifying and visualizing the 3Cs.







Sequel “Appropriate evaluation of sales representatives leads to improved productivity and performance of the entire organization”

For fair evaluation, there are attempts to incorporate share into sales representatives evaluation.

However, it is not possible to make a fair evaluation between sales representatives in different market environments.

The reason is that you try to evaluate by absolute share value.

If it is a relative evaluation based on the difference in market share with competitors, it is possible to evaluate fairly even among sales representatives with different market environments.

Furthermore, it is possible to quantify the contribution rate to the organization by incorporating the difference in market size. Using the matrix analysis method, it is possible to set KRIs that connect KGIs and KPIs, such as the retention rate of loyal customers and the rank-up of loyal customers.