









“Wage Increase and Cost Leadership Strategy #2”

Cost leadership is a strategy to gain an advantage over other companies by becoming the lowest cost producer in the market, and is one of the “Three Basic Strategies” advocated by Michael Porter.

By offering products and services at low prices, you can build a competitive advantage over your competitors in terms of cost.

It is necessary to understand “economies of scale” and “learning curve economies” as the main principle of cost reduction.

The learning curve economics is also called the “experience curve” because the production cost per product decreases as the “cumulative production volume” increases.

Generally speaking, doubling the cumulative production volume is said to reduce the cost per product by 10-30%.

On the other hand, it is an absolute requirement to be a strong player with a high market share, because if you provide products and services at a low price, you will get a lot of sales at a low profit.

In order for companies with inferior management resources to avoid price competition and gain a competitive advantage, they need a differentiation strategy that creates superiority in aspects other than price.

Although there is a difference between raising wages and lowering prices, there is no difference in competing for a limited pie based on price.

This conflict creates a war of attrition, with only the survivors reaping the rewards.

By using the matrix analysis method, you can confirm your company’s competitive position and competitive advantage.