










“Life is about differentiation.”

Why is differentiation necessary for products/services? It’s because customers differentiate themselves by purchasing those products/services.

Companies implementing DX solutions seek to differentiate themselves from competitors in the competitive market, gaining an advantage.

Differentiation is an evolutionary adaptation and is considered part of the evolutionary mechanism that supports decision-making related to survival and reproduction.

For example, even in partner selection, comparisons are made.

Why were you rejected despite confessing your feelings with sincerity?

It’s because you lack attractiveness, but also because you appear less attractive when compared to other choices around the person you confessed to.

The fundamental reason is that being with you does not provide differentiation that elevates the other person.

To have them turn their attention back to you, you must become a presence that elevates their position or social status.

What can you do to be more attractive to customers when compared to something else?

Always remember the presence of competition.

It’s important to create differences that set you apart, not in terms of superiority or inferiority, but in terms of uniqueness.







Title: “Maintaining Sales in a Shrinking Market Is Many Times Harder Than Increasing Sales in a Growing Market”

It is often said that markets go through a lifecycle, from introduction to growth, maturity, and eventually decline.

During growth periods, such as the post-war era of high economic growth when demand exceeded supply, and markets expanded, all market participants could increase their sales.

However, in today’s business environment marked by economic slowdowns since the aftermath of the Lehman Shock, markets are shifting from maturity to decline, and the competitive landscape has become even more challenging.

In other words, merely aiming to maintain the current status quo puts businesses in a zero-sum game, where competitors may seize market share.

The attached diagram rotates the axis of a shrinking market to be horizontal.

To succeed in maintaining sales, it is essential to win in competition against rival companies.



① 市場合計金額×自社製品の売上金額






Title: “Customer Targeting through Cluster Analysis”

We conducted cluster analysis using pharmaceutical sales data to classify customer attributes.

We have created scatterplots for three types of analysis based on two axes:

Total Market Amount × Sales Amount of Our Products
From these two axes, we can identify top-performing customers and make judgments on high-priority customers, supporting our understanding of market share and competitiveness of our products.

Total Market Amount × Market Share of Our Products
These two axes help us evaluate the market dominance of our products, the impact of competitors, and the identification of market opportunities.

Market Share of Our Products × Market Share of the Leading Competitor’s Product
These two axes facilitate the comparison of market dominance, understanding of competitive dynamics, and identification of market opportunities.

Depending on the objectives, analysts can choose which elements to combine on the axes and how to set parameters.

Furthermore, in this analysis, no correlation was observed between any of the analysis results along the two axes.

In other words, since there is a lack of logical basis for combining these two axes, it appears challenging to achieve accurate customer targeting using these combinations.




“Why Does DXS (Dex) Have High Reproducibility?”

DXS analysis relies solely on pharmaceutical sales data and is based on predefined classifications and parameters rooted in market share theory. Moreover, all four analytical methods are constructed using the same logic.

As a result, anyone can achieve the same results, regardless of who performs the analysis or how many times it is conducted.

When the entire process, from data analysis to targeting and resource allocation, to KPI setting and tracking, is integrated digitally, it becomes possible to formulate strategic plans that excel in objectivity and reproducibility.



“A Patent-Powered Digital Solution for Sales Support”

“We have acquired Patent Application 2023-122252 for our ‘Calculations System, Calculation Program, and Calculation Method.’

With this, all four analytical functions of DXSstratify® (along with the trademark) are now protected by patents.”





数字が独り歩きする主な要因の 1 つは、アナリストが主観的な判断を導入したり、分析手法やパラメーターに関して選択を行ったりする場合です。


データ クレンジング、欠損値の処理、特徴選択などのデータ前処理タスクをアナリストが実行する方法も、結果に大きく影響する可能性があります。




” Numbers don’t take on walk alone “

In my previous job, my proposal for the Matrix Analysis Method was not adopted, with the reason being that “numbers walk alone.”

At that time, I didn’t fully understand the meaning of “numbers walk alone.”

The reason was that the Matrix Analysis Method I had devised consistently produced the same results, regardless of who conducted it or how many times it was done.

In my previous job, we primarily used qualitative methods that depended on the skills of the analyst, rather than quantitative methods.

One of the major factors causing numbers to walk alone is when analysts introduce subjective judgments or make choices regarding analytical methods and parameters.

The choice of analytical method by the analyst can lead to different results, and the results may change depending on the parameter values set subjectively by the analyst.

The way data preprocessing tasks such as data cleansing, handling missing values, and feature selection are performed by the analyst can also significantly influence the results.

There are situations where cutoff values need to be set to categorize data, and these cutoff values can be chosen subjectively by the analyst, thereby having a significant impact on the results.

These factors contribute to different analysts obtaining different results for the same data, increasing the likelihood of numbers walking alone.

Is your analysis results quantitative, objective, and reproducible?


株価に影響を与える主な要因の 1 つは業績であり、業績は企業の利益を生み出す能力とみなすことができます。







“Selling Power is Company Value”

On October 20th, the Nikkei Stock Average on the Tokyo Stock Exchange reached its highest level since the burst of the bubble economy.

One of the primary factors influencing stock prices is performance, and performance can be seen as a company’s ability to generate earnings.

As a means to improve performance, aside from increasing sales, cost reduction measures, including workforce reductions, have been pursued by many companies in recent years.

In the pharmaceutical industry, personnel reductions can provide opportunities for reinvestment in innovation activities such as pipeline acquisitions.

However, the business model from the post-war period, where it was believed that good products would always sell, does not function effectively in today’s market, which is characterized by shrinking race-type competition markets.

In the midst of intense competition, the ability to earn, or in other words, the power to sell, is crucial.

Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, which possesses a unique and highly regulated market due to various legal protections and regulations, the need for theories and processes to thrive in market competition is paramount.

In this challenging business environment, selling power becomes a defining factor in a company’s ability to create and sustain value.









“Monopoly and Oligopoly: Illustrating Market Dominance”

Are you familiar with the terms “monopoly” and “oligopoly,” which describe the concentration of companies entering a market?

Monopoly refers to a situation in which a single company dominates the entire supply in a market, while oligopoly refers to a state where a few companies control the market, creating a form of market concentration.

According to the Share Types Theory, the market lifecycle typically begins with a decentralized market in its introductory phase, eventually progressing towards a three-stronger market, a two-stronger market, and finally a one-stronger market.

In today’s business environment, especially when market sizes are shrinking, this trend and its pace become more prominent.

In other words, markets tend to approach a monopoly-like situation in the end.

In a competitive gaming market, maintaining the status quo often requires taking away market share from competing firms.

Our company has developed an analytical application that includes lifecycle analysis features.

Lifecycle analysis enables us to calculate not only the revenue but also the changes in market share values for our company and competing firms based on the phases of the market lifecycle and changes in market size.









“The Pitfalls of Relying on Loyal Customers”

In the current market environment, where there is a tendency for market size to shrink, particularly in the mature to declining phases of the lifecycle, the priority must first be to maintain existing sales levels.

Sustaining loyal customers, who form the foundation of sales, can prevent significant revenue deterioration.

However, there are risks associated with an overreliance on loyal customers:

A decline in profits when dependent on a limited number of loyal customers if they defect
A decrease in profit margins due to preferential treatments such as discounts and special services
Missing out on the needs of new customer segments and market trends
A reduced ability to adapt to new market opportunities and changes

Loyal customers represent a segment with a low risk of switching to competing products.

It is crucial to avoid excessive resource allocation to them and instead redistribute resources towards acquiring and nurturing new loyal customers.

Matrix analysis can quantify and visualize resource allocation, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Calculate the appropriate amount of resources by combining it with our Force amount analysis.




① 安定した収益:ロイヤルカスタマーは継続的に同じ製品を購入するため、製品の収益が予測可能になり安定する

② 高い顧客満足度:高い顧客満足度は製品への信頼となり、他社へのスイッチリスクを低減する

③ マーケティングコストの削減:既存の顧客を維持するためのコストは、新規顧客を獲得するためのコストよりも低くなる

④ クロスセリングの機会:ロイヤルカスタマーは、自社の他製品やサービスへの関心も高まりやすく、追加の販売機会が高まる

⑤ 口コミによる新規顧客の獲得: 満足した顧客は、他の潜在的な顧客へ製品を推薦することが期待される





“Identifying Royal Customers through Matrix Analysis”

Matrix analysis enables us to identify royal customers by analyzing the market size for each product and our company’s share per customer.

The reason for using market share values is not merely because they are high-purchase customers, but because they have a lower risk of switching to competitors.

Increasing the ratio of royal customers leads to the security of a stable income source and can enhance competitive advantage in market competition.

Royal customers purchase the same products continuously, making the revenue from these products predictable and stable.

High customer satisfaction translates into trust in the product and reduces the risk of customers switching to other companies.

The cost to retain existing customers is lower than the cost of acquiring new customers.

Cross-Selling Opportunities: Royal customers are more likely to be interested in other products and services offered by the company, increasing additional sales opportunities.

Word-of-Mouth Acquisition of New Customers: Satisfied customers are expected to recommend the products to other potential customers.

The lack of need for additional resources allows for the allocation of resources to highly competitive contested customers.

Increasing the ratio of in-house products can lead to an improvement in the customer share within the company rather than by individual products, leading to brand formation.

In the hierarchical organization of the healthcare industry, the influence and ripple effect of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) are significant.

In matrix analysis, increasing the ratio in row ‘a’, especially the Aa ratio, is the path to becoming a market leader.