“Thicken the Armor of Your Business Strategy for Survival!”
In World War II, the U.S. military faced the challenge of protecting bombers from German anti-aircraft fire. The question arose: which parts of the bomber should have thicker armor to ensure their safe return?
The answer was surprising: it wasn’t the areas marked with red circles, but rather the areas without bullet holes that needed thicker armor.
This insight was drawn from data on bombers that survived combat encounters. Those hit in areas other than the existing bullet holes did not make it back.
This example highlights the danger of focusing solely on visible data, leading to survivorship bias and overlooking the real picture.
In today’s world of big data analytics, relying solely on existing data may not yield the desired results, no matter how well-crafted the strategies are.
Now, let’s apply this principle to the realm of marketing. Imagine your high-value customers as the red circles. It’s tempting to prioritize defending the sales generated by these loyal customers, thinking it’s the key to stability and growth.
However, loyal customers typically have little potential to switch to competitor products. Therefore, it makes more sense to allocate minimum resources to maintain their loyalty while strengthening resources in areas without the red circles. This approach can help thwart competition, open up new customer segments, and drive market expansion.
In many industries, obtaining sales data for individual customers, including competitor products, is a challenge. However, in the pharmaceutical industry, access to sales data for pharmaceutical products is possible.
By using this data, you can obtain information akin to understanding which areas of the bomber needed thicker armor. This allows for more precise decision-making, ensuring that your business strategy is well-armored for survival and success.