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Recently, I attended a paid seminar and realized how challenging it has become to charge for information in today’s internet-saturated society.

The seminar mostly covered topics that could easily be found with a quick online search. The presenter seemed knowledgeable, but not quite at the level of a skilled instructor, lacking a wealth of examples or case studies.

The fee felt quite steep, especially considering the satisfaction level post-seminar, suggesting that the real value of an instructor may no longer lie in the information itself, but rather in the surrounding context, specific examples, and instructional skills, which might become increasingly important in the future.

This shift is further accelerated by the advent of technologies like Chat-GPT.

Going forward, in-house staff, being more familiar with specific circumstances and using AI, might be better positioned to offer insights, considerations, and hypotheses than external experts. This approach marks a departure from the general information and theories provided by external experts.

The fusion of AI’s analytical capabilities with the internal knowledge of in-house staff holds boundless possibilities for organizations. This method can provide immediate and relevant decision-making support, significantly enhancing organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

This evolution is poised to influence not just the format of knowledge sharing but also the business decision-making process as a whole.