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We are living in an unprecedented era where diversity is embraced, and the range of career options has expanded like never before. Amidst these changes, the choice to turn what we love into our profession has begun to take on new significance.

The advancement of digital technology has significantly reduced the constraints of time and place on our work. Now, a corner of our home can serve as an office. This flexibility is especially beneficial for creative professions and freelancers, allowing them to work at their preferred time and place, fueled by passion. The widespread use of the internet and social media has opened up access to niche markets with specific needs.

Furthermore, the rise of remote work and flexible working hours has revolutionized our approach to work. This flexibility enables people to tailor their jobs to their lifestyle and preferences, offering new ways to balance life and work.

Additionally, the emergence of social media has made it commonplace for individuals to build their personal brands and showcase their passions and talents to the world.

In this way, modern society offers numerous opportunities for individuals to leverage their passions and talents in their work. Turning what you love into your profession is no longer just a dream, but a realistic option in the flow of modern society.

The Japanese education system tends to emphasize average scores over unique talents. This can make it difficult for individuals to leverage their unique strengths and passions, potentially leading to a workforce of interchangeable personnel without distinctive differentiation.

Turning what you love into your profession is not just a fantasy but a realistic option within the current societal trends.