
立地:郊外のスターバックス vs. 駅前のドトール

コンセプト:スターバックスの「場所」提供 vs. ドトールの「美味いコーヒー」





“Doutor Coffee’s Strategy Against Starbucks: Embracing Distinctiveness”

In the sequel to my previous column, which contrasted the pandemic-driven sales decline of Doutor Coffee with Starbucks’ continued expansion and success, we delve into what Doutor should do to regain its foothold.

Location: Suburban Starbucks vs. Station-front Doutor
While Starbucks thrives in suburban settings, Doutor’s strength lies in its prime locations near train stations. This distinction is crucial in understanding each brand’s approach to attracting customers.

Concept: Starbucks’ Experience vs. Doutor’s Fine Coffee
Starbucks offers more than just coffee; it provides a space, an experience. Doutor, on the other hand, focuses on delivering high-quality, delicious coffee. This is where Doutor can shine – by emphasizing its commitment to superior coffee quality.

The Formula: Customer Count × Price per Customer × Turnover Rate
To enhance business performance, Doutor should analyze this formula deeply. Focusing on the quality of coffee can attract a specific customer segment that values taste over ambiance, potentially increasing both customer count and price per customer.

Doutor’s Concept: Savoring the Perfect Cup
Doutor prides itself on serving authentic, exquisite coffee at the ideal temperature, ensuring the taste is enjoyed to its fullest. This dedication to quality is a significant differentiator in a market flooded with generic coffee options. This also leads to improved turnover rate.

Capitalizing on Distinctiveness
Doutor’s location strategy, combined with its focus on exceptional coffee, can be a game-changer. Instead of directly competing with Starbucks on its terms, Doutor should leverage its strengths. By emphasizing their unique selling points – premium quality coffee enjoyed right at the bustling heart of the city – Doutor can carve out its niche.

In a market dominated by giants like Starbucks, Doutor’s path to success lies in embracing its distinctiveness. By focusing on what they do best – offering top-notch coffee at convenient locations – Doutor can not only survive but thrive amidst intense competition. This strategy of playing to its strengths while offering a unique value proposition could be the key to Doutor’s resurgence in the coffee market.